Green ideology destroys the UK
Green spooks are now worried about the massive advantages they have given to Russia and China. Well, they should have worried about that before they started worshipping Gaia. Thread from 2011.
The head of GCHQ has warned that the technology threat posed by Russia is like finding a vulnerability on your phone - whereas China has the potential to control the "global operating system"
Well, how did that happen, then?
Practically every EU/UK policy destroyed domestic industry and created a market for them.
Where's GCHQ's criticism of the climate agenda, which pushed up energy prices on the promise of a 'green economy'?
Oh yeah, GCHQ has gone green, too.
The promise of a 'green economy' included solar PV and wind turbine manufactures. All of which required materials from China. China put the prices up and dominated the manufacturing, then dumped cheaper products on markets, putting Western firms out of business.
Where were GCHQ?
The CCP won't need to intervene in the "global operating system", because there will be nothing of any consequence to switch off.
So what is the bigger threat to the UK?
The CCP...
... Or the green agenda?
I have this same argument with people over Russia. They say Russia backed anti-fracking campaigns in the UK, to serve its strategic interests. But skint Moscow did not need to.
Billionaires in the US & UK, and the EU and UK government have thrown vast sums of money at green campaigns, against fracking. And rather than offering an iota of resistance to the anti-fracking campaigns (inter alia), the government caved in at every opportunity.
So, Mr Putin could well have been offered the opportunity to finance XR. But his analysts would have pointed out that they were already being funded by the Gettys, the Rockefellers, Mike Bloomberg, Jeremy Grantham, Christopher Hohn, the Hewletts & Packards and IKEA.
Greens are swimming in money. And now the likes of Bezos has chucked another $10 billion at them!
All to campaign for the de-industrialisation of the West.
He doesn't care. It suits him that all our stuff is made in the East. He just passes the shipping costs to you.
And it's politicians, civil servants and spooks that want to prohibit end-to-end encryption that will make our data vulnerable to attack. And its them that want to put everything on a database, as a gift to hackers.
What or who do they think they're protecting? I don't know which is worse, frankly -- the CCP and Putin or the #NetZero green state.
An even older article of mine is China’s industrial dynamism, not the UK’s, which has created markets for reclaimable materials. It is only by intervention and legislation that the UK is even able to collect plastic bottles, never mind reprocess them.
It was obvious in the 2000s that EU/UK green legislation was creating a market for China, that domestic producers could not compete in. Rather than addressing that inability of domestic producers to compete, what did UK politicians do? They made it even harder.
Over a decade later, "OMG, CHINA!!! WE'RE TOTALLY DEPENDENT ON IT, AND SOMETIMES IT'S NOT VERY NICE!!! OMG!!!" Anyone pointing it out between 2005 and 2021 is a SCIENCE DENIER WHO MUST BE BANISHED FROM PUBLIC LIFE!
I think we're f***ed, frankly. You can go to a shopping centre in Shenzhen and buy semiconductors off the shelf, that you have to get on back order in the UK, such is the culture of industrialisation and innovation there vs here.
Since Maplin closed, there isn't even a retailer that can sell you even a resistor.