The Conservatives' 2019 Manifesto
Many people claim that people voted for Net Zero because it was featured in the 2019 Conservative Party election manifesto. Here's why they are wrong.
Here is the @Conservatives 2109 manifesto pledges on net zero.
They do not explain how any of it will be achieved without hardship, and without reducing standard of living, income or opportunities.
The only people who will see any benefit from these policies are Conservative Party cronies.
They claim "we will help lower energy bills by investing £9.2bn in the energy efficiency of homes, schools and hospitals".
£9.2bn is roughly £340 per home in the UK. How will that "help lower energy bills"?
How does £500 million "help energy-intensive industries move to low-carbon techniques"? It is peanuts.
What happens in 2031, when we have 40GW of wind energy *capacity*, but there is no wind? Where will the power come from?
What does "two million new high quality jobs in clean growth" even mean?
"What's your job?"
"I work in clean growth."
"Right, but what do you do?"
"I honestly don't know."
You know what this means?
"We will consult on the earliest date by which we can phase out the sale of new conventional petrol and diesel cars."
They're going to ban your car, and they're going to ban your car from the roads. If you can't afford an EV, tough.
"We will support gas for hydrogen production and nuclear energy, including fusion, as important parts of the energy system, alongside increasing our commitment to renewables."
But why? Nuclear is proven. Renewables are a proven failure.
"Our first Budget will prioritise the environment"
No, your first budget should prioritise British independence, not squander your Brexit mandate on appeasing the green blob.
Net Zero is uncosted. Nobody knows how it will be achieved, how much it will cost, year on year.
What we can be sure of is that it will cost more than estimates have stated.
This is true of every government project.
We can be sure it will create hardship and cost opportunity.
Estimates for retrofitting houses from the green side stretch into the trillions -- the equivalent of the bricks and mortar cost of the UK's entire housing stock.
These commitments should have been left out of a manifesto.
Including such bizarre claims in a manifesto means committing to them until they become such a problem that you have to U-turn, or give political capital to a rival party.
*All* the available evidence suggests that incautious decarbonisation leads to hardship & social unrest.
Decarbonisation is utterly futile. If C02 is an existential GLOBAL threat (I don't believe it is) then it requires global action. The UK emits 1% of the 3% of man made CO2. This means we create 0.0003% of CO2 (or 0.0000126% of the atmosphere) You can be completely innumerate (as most MPs are) but still know our nr is undetectable in any normal sense. China, Russia and India to name a few need to commit but they won't and haven't so we are literally commuting energy suicide. I've heard many say we should take the lead and others will follow. If you believe that ask the residents of Hong Kong. Net Zero is an utter disaster for us but as Peter Hitchens says 'politicians never admit they got anything wrong despite the evidence'. Truss has 4 weeks in my book.